Black Diamond is our data aggregator - we can use this platform to show you more than just the accounts held at Schwab and give you customized portfolio view. You can still use the Schwab portal to see Schwab-held accounts if you want.
Note: Clients with smaller portfolios may only need a Schwab log-in and will not have accounts listed in Black Diamond.
Schwab only shows managed accounts held with them. Electronic authorizations to service your Schwab accounts are most easily done through the Schwab portal. Black Diamond is our data aggregator - the intent is to aggregate as much information on your Schwab and non-Schwab accounts and be able to customize your view.
Why do I need Schwab online access if I have Black Diamond? Schwab Alliance is the easiest way for us to change your information on file such as phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses via electronic authorizations, as well as account maintenance and certain transactions. Tax documents will also be available on Schwab Alliance.
Why do I need Black Diamond if I have Schwab? Black Diamond provides custom views for managed and other accounts, including non-Schwab accounts - this will give you a more complete picture of your investments once fully functional. Secure document sharing is available through Black Diamond's “Vault” feature.
The same way as you have in the past, you can call our office or email us, and our staff will be happy to assist with any funds transfer.
Schwab Alliance mobile app (or online access) also allows you to move money from your account(s). However, the best practice is to reach out to our team to ensure the funds are available.
Annuities: These are not visible at Schwab. We will handle annuity visibility case by case depending on your specific accounts.
Insurance: These are still viewable on the Ameriprise platform; however, we are currently working on an alternative solution to potentially make these visible on the Black Diamond portal.
Alternative Investments: Some alternative investments are visible through Schwab; we are looking at an alternative solution to make these visible on the Black Diamond portal. However, they will still be held in an Ameriprise account until they are liquidated, and we are able to transfer the cash.
Black Diamond is going to be the best place to view all accounts by household.
You also can grant spouse access via your individual Schwab alliance portal. Alternatively, we can send you paperwork to authorize this through Schwab.
Documents can be shared securely via the Black Diamond portal through the Vault. There are three folders pre-populated in the Vault:
From your advisor: This is where we will share documents with you. You will receive a notification once we upload something.
Onboarding & new accounts: This is where you can upload any new account documents such as trusts, voided checks and signed paperwork. We will also be able to share disclosures and other pertinent information with you.
Requested data: If you are engaged in the financial planning/consulting relationship, this is where you will be able to upload your supporting documentation as requested.
This can be updated via Schwab Alliance app (or online access).
Once you log in, click profile.
Then select contact information.
Then select Edit next to the information you want to update.
We can send you a form through DocuSign or E-Authorization to make necessary changes/updates.
Please also notify us if/when you make any updates to your address, phone number, email, or other personal information.
This can be updated via Schwab Alliance app (or online access).
Once you login click profile
Then Beneficiaries
Then Edit account under the account(s) you want to update.
We can send you a form through DocuSign to make necessary changes/updates.
Wealth Management Only
Black Diamond – We will be able to provide online customized statements showing you the data you want to see about your accounts.
Schwab – We recommend signing up for paperless since you will be receiving statements through Black Diamond. If you prefer paper statements this will be the only platform these are available on.
Ameriprise – You will still be receiving these for anything that we have not or were unable to bring over with us.
Ex: Annuities, REIT’s, Insurance
PKS – If we had you sign a form to move your annuities over these statements will be coming from your annuity company.
Ex: AIG, RiverSource, Lincoln, Jackson, Prudential and so on.
Financial Planning Clients
Advice Pay – If you are paying for consulting services by credit card or ACH from your bank, your invoices will come through Advice Pay.
New Phone Numbers
San Diego – 858-326-0046
Pasadena – 626-655-2556
New Emails
Leah Burnett – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cristina Jackson – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nina Faraca – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ryan O’Connor – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kelsi McGlothin – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jennifer Shaffer – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New Website
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